New perspectives on the art of the human mind and our universe.
What is the meaning of existence?
Robert Edward Grant is an extraordinary mathematician, thought leader and scholar who is on a mission to integrate innovation, mathematics, artistic design & entrepreneurship into balanced creations that create systemic change. Some people think mathematics is random, while Robert Edward Grant believes that anything considered “random” actually contains a pattern that just hasn’t been understood yet as a species – an idea that ironically mirrors his life and career’s unconventional path to self-discovery.
Watch MovieHosted by renowned parapsychologist Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove, New Thinking Allowed explores the frontiers of knowledge, fostering thought-provoking conversations, in-depth interviews, and insightful monologues. This series delves into the realms of philosophy, psychology, health, science, and spirituality, with a particular focus on parapsychology and its implications for understanding human potential and the nature of reality. Each episode invites viewers to engage with groundbreaking ideas and perspectives from experts, including scientists, scholars, and practitioners who challenge conventional thinking. From discussions on consciousness and psychic phenomena to explorations of healing, metaphysics, and transformative practices, New Thinking Allowed provides a platform for deep inquiry and intellectual discovery. Whether you’re a seeker, skeptic, or lifelong learner, this series offers a unique opportunity to expand your understanding of the mysteries of existence and the evolving landscape of human knowledge.
Learn More34 short philosophical debates with public intellectual Robert Lawrence Kuhn and renowned author and alternative medicine advocate Dr. Deepak Chopra, exploring profound questions around fundamental issues of existence. A thought-provoking series headlining the search for ultimate reality and purpose.
Watch ShowIs there a possible link between DMT and the human potential? DMT Quest delves into the world-changing scientific discoveries between the mammalian brain and the endogenous molecule dimethyltryptamine, also known as DMT.
Watch MovieDeepak Chopra discusses some of the world’s most controversial topics about life in this new series. The Curious Minds conversations feature the dedicated leading minds making groundbreaking discoveries in science, physics, existence, philosophy, consciousness and life in general to discover the truth about our world. What questions remain?
Watch ShowSatsangh: a community gathering of authentic people who are united in search for truth. Deepak Chopra conducts seven unique Satsangh gatherings with live audiences and guest speakers who behold various careers and specialties. Each guest discusses unique topics and answers thought provoking questions, ranging from science and philosophy, to belief systems, to the wellbeing of our Earth and human existence. At a time when humanity is facing difficult, painful, and mysterious questions, a sacred conversation is more relevant than ever.
Watch ShowThis series, produced at the Yoga & Science Conference at NYU Tandon School of Engineering, features some of the most brilliant minds behind the science of yoga studies. Each episode discusses a different angle of the neurophysiological mechanisms that support effective yoga and meditation practices. This show provides a well-rounded understanding of the scientifically proven benefits proper yoga practice and meditation mechanisms present to the body.
Watch ShowThis series of conversations with scientists, physicists and researchers explores new perspectives on the art of the human mind and our universe, as host Deepak Chopra searches to uncover the meaning of consciousness in One World Science.
Watch ShowSceye explores how Mikkel Vestergaard Frandsen's innovative mindset and humanitarian vision led to the development of Sceye’s groundbreaking airships, offering sustainable solutions to bridge the digital divide, enhance environmental data collection, and provide rapid-response capabilities in emergencies.
Watch TrailerOne Core Truth is the deepest mystery, biggest secret and ultimate answer to everything. Wai H. Tsang describes the emergence into human affairs through the lens of a new worldview on human understanding, evolution and endeavors built on the wisdom ancient times to modern day societies.
Learn MoreCutting-edge advancements in research and a deeper look into our ancestral understanding of the dying process throughout history will shatter common conceptions about the process of dying, and what awaits us on the other side of the veil.
Watch TrailerThe leap in size of the cortex 200,000 years ago, believed to have coincided with the development of language and culture, is still a mystery for modern evolutionary scientists. This special examines the evidence that DMT levels increased in the ancestral human brain as an adaptive response to geomagnetic changes leading us to the species we know as homo sapiens.
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