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Curious Minds

Astrology Zone

Susan Miller

Susan Miller is the founder and astrologist for AstrologyZone.com. The trusted, twenty-year-old platform provides the latest in intelligent astrological trends. This discussion with Deepak Chopra breaks down many popular misconceptions about astrological predictions, the various disciplines of study, ego, and consciousness in relation to astrology. Miller also outlines the golden rule to understanding and getting the most out of astrological predications: astrology shows the condition, but not the outcome—that outcome is completely up to you. “I can give you questions to ask to help you decide, but in the end, you write the script of your life.”

29:25 | 2020

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About Susan Miller

Best-selling book author, web publisher, and businesswoman, Susan Miller’s achievements and contributions to the field of astrology have made her an authority in her field. From Wall Street brokers to the models on fashion catwalks of Paris, Milan, and Tokyo; from readers in cafés in New York, Beijing, and Sao Paulo, to those discussing her words in New Delhi and Istanbul, people everywhere turn to Susan to advise, teach, lecture, and lead them toward success in both their personal life and business endeavors. She tirelessly writes between 30,000 and 48,000 words a month (divided by 12 signs), creating comprehensive and detailed forecasts published free for her readers. Each year it serves 200 million-page views to 11 million unique readers.

Visit her website https://www.astrologyzone.com/

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