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The Celestial Empire of Business and Entrepreneurship

Based on the ongoing movement and alignments of our stars within our solar system, Astrology offers detailed universal descriptions on life cycles. As all journeys in the Celestial Empire are equally cyclical, from birth to life, and death, this also applies to our entrepreneurial endeavors. From Incorporation, to growing a successful operation, and the public offering or sale of a company.

Based on our Zodiac, please enjoy a twelve-stage cycle focused on business, summarizing the journey from creation to completion. By keeping this universal cycle in mind, take into account the flow of growth without trying to increase the pace of development by jumping over essential steps along the way. It is added value to experience the full journey.

The first stage is Aries – "I want" or the origin of the idea. A fiery impulse, sometimes unconscious, which acts on pure creative energy with goals of a bright future. Often, a newborn idea is perceived as an irresistible desire of an unknown nature. Do keep in mind the importance of the creative desire not to become overpowering to life's other callings.

The second stage is Taurus – "I can" or the grounding of the idea. At this point in the ideation of a business idea, activity takes on a relative order and slows down to make space for thought and development. The idea and its implementation are becoming calculated, and the basic plan for the materialization of the idea is maturing. Primary resources and funds are coming into fruition, and the first material investments are underway.

The third stage is Gemini – "I am beginning" is spreading the idea. The project is being discussed and overgrown with information. There is gathering and organization of necessary knowledge, connections, and like-minded people. At this stage, a marketing plan is devised, while advertising campaign and public relations strategy are underway.

The fourth stage is Cancer – "I adapt" or the designing of the product or idea. At this stage, the idea finally becomes a product. It reaches the final iteration and is ready for mass distribution. There is an in-depth analysis of the true needs of this idea or product for society. The team evolves into a family of founders and partners.

The fifth stage is Leo – "I present”. This stage relates to the active promotion of the business idea, as the product reaches the public through pitching, presentation, advertising and PR. There is an innate desire for recognition, attraction, and likeableness from the general public.

The sixth stage is Virgo – "I analyze" is the point for analysis and structuring of processes. A deep dive into the analytics of markets, competitors, and feedback for constructive change. Work processes are becoming systematized and structured for best practices and optimization.

The seventh stage is Libra – "I am looking”. Relates to active collaboration through involvement of partners in the project or active external cooperation. Mutually beneficial collaborations come to the forefront and an ecosystem of useful partners and allies is formed. This is the time for diversification.

The eighth stage is Scorpio – "I am in abundance”. With the attraction of large investments and large incomes, a positive experience, there is also the first serious risks and problems that could present themselves. These issues threaten the project with fear of destruction and there may be crises. Conflicts within the team due to material issues. In parallel, with a favorable scenario, powerful material flows and resources go into the project.

The ninth stage is Sagittarius – "I am expanding”. This is a time for active product distribution, capture of adjacent markets. Increasing the sphere of influence. Well-deserved authority and recognition by the masses.

The tenth stage is Capricorn – "I am stabilizing" is the formation of a system that requires strict regulation of processes and control. Creating strong ties internally and externally to prevent the system from becoming sluggish. The processes are bone-like and reliable.

The eleventh stage is Aquarius – "I am evolving" relates to the active development of an ecosystem of followers and like-minded people without regard to profit. These individuals become the main consumers. Nearby fresh ideas are trying to break through for the modernization of a key project. Gradually, the project gains independence from the founders and continues to move by inertia.

The twelfth stage is Pisces – "I am transforming" is the completion of the process. Deadlock, stagnation, a sense of stagnation. Ideally, reflection and summing up with gratitude and payment of dividends. At this stage, there are three possible development options: the death of the project-product and the beginning of a new one, sale and the beginning of a new one, or a complete update of the project-product to begin the cycle again. For any significant change, impulse is needed – which leads us back to the beginning of the cycle with the first stage of Aries - "I want".

Irina’s Story:

Astrology came into my life when I was a teenager. One day Mom bought a book with a description of the Zodiac. I read this book to the holes. It was very interesting and I wanted even more. I dreamed about astrology, and I didn't even think about how difficult it is to realize my dream. In the 90s, astrology came out of the shadows in Russia (it was previously banned), the first educational astrological centers began to appear in Moscow and St. Petersburg. But I lived in a small provincial town in the middle of nowhere. The Internet was not used then either. I was very surprised when a month after I dreamed, an astrology teacher appeared next to me, who was studying astrology in Moscow at the same time. It was a miracle! So a good astrological education appeared in my life, which in the future allowed me to make astrology an additional profession. But I studied astrology for a long time. I came to study at the Moscow Academy of Astrology in 2006. And I made sure that I know astrology well. So my experience in astrology has been more than twenty years. My clients are scattered all over the world. In addition to consultations, I do research projects. I report on the results of my research at astrological conferences. Now I combine astrology and psychology in consultations. I think astropsychology has a great future.

About Irina Tolmacheva:

Irina Tolmacheva is an Astrologer, Psychologist, Political Scientist from Moscow, Russia. She has a master's degree in psychology and a postgraduate degree in political science and has worked as a political journalist and researcher at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, organizing and presenting discussions on lobbying at the Moscow Economic Forum. Over the past few years, her research interest in politics has focused on the specifics of the work of the Russian parliament – the analysis of the effectiveness and specifics of the work of deputies and senators.

She has worked In the realm of astrology since 1993 where she studied at the Moscow Academy of Astrology and worked in astrological consulting for twenty years. She has facilitated the following most notable research proejcts, Features of aspects of Pluto in public policies, analysis of astrological characteristics of deputies of the State Duma of the IV convocation of the Russian Federatio (2006), Astrology in Yoga (2016), Cosmonautics Day on April 12, 1979 – date and fate (2017), Astrological prerequisites of vegetarianism (2018), Psychodiagnostics in the service of astrology: an example of using one projective technique (2022).

Irina Tolmacheva is the author of the books: Lobbying in Russian. Between business and government, Lobbying in Russia, Discussions of the Moscow Economic Forum 2013-2017, Astrology in Yoga, Astrological prerequisites of vegetarianism, as well as many scientific and journalistic articles, columns and interviews for the magazines Vegetarian and Yoga Journal. She is also the presenter and director of the program ‘A Frame From Life’ on the TV channel, The First Vegetarian.

Visit her website http://starsdictate.tilda.ws/

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