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Just Capital

Discussions on Conscious Capitalism

Just Capital with host, Deepak Chopra features impact investors who drive conscious behavior in our global markets. From human rights, labor standards, the environment and anti-corruption, Just Capital inspires corporate cultures, investors, and consumers to take action and build trust.

Produced and filmed at ABC Home in New York City, the dialogues feature names like Dan Price, Jason Flom, Ray Chambers, Maxine Bedát, George Kell and others who are actively representing JUST Capital - a leading organization measuring and improving corporate performance by equipping the market with the data, tools, and insights to deliver on the promise of conscious capitalism and an economy that works for all Americans.

Tags: JUST Capital

More with Deepak: One World, Closer to Truth, Curious Minds, Love In Action, Satsangh, Yoga Primary Series, Consciousness, Meditation Workshop, Seven Spiritual Laws of Success 2.0, The Ultimate Happiness Prescription 2.0

About the show

Hosted by: Deepak Chopra

Music: Moby

8 episodes

Location: Deepak Homebase

Studio: Martine Dubin Company

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Further Insights

Explore the Stories Behind the People, Places, and Partnerships

Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra, M.D., F.A.C.P, founder of The Chopra Foundation, a non-profit entity for research on well-being and humanitarianism, and Chopra Global, a modern-day health company at the intersection of science and spirituality, is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation. Chopra is a Clinical Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California, San Diego and serves as a senior scientist with Gallup Organization. He is the author of over 89 books translated into over forty-three languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. His 90th book and national bestseller, Metahuman: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential (Harmony Books), unlocks the secrets to moving beyond our present limitations to access a field of infinite possibilities. TIME magazine has described Dr. Chopra as “one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century.”

Visit his website at deepakchopra.com

Season 1

Dan Price
Dan Price

Gravity Payments

Dan Price dreams of a world where money is no longer the top of the pyramid of success, but rather authentic humanity. So, he founded Gravity Payments to help small businesses get the rates they need and deserve.

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Jake Kirsch
Jake Kirsch

Shock the Drought

Jake Kirsch is a VP at Anheuser-Busch, where he leads strategy for brands like Shock Top. Kirsch discusses how Shock Top is leading the way in expanding awareness and inspiring action towards water sustainability.

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Jason Flom
Jason Flom

Innocence Project

Jason Flom has been a creative cornerstone in the careers of some of the music industry’s most legendary artists. More importantly however, Jason one of the founding board members of the Innocence Project, a nonprofit bringing home wrongfully accused prisoners on death row.

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Maxine Bédat
Maxine Bédat


Maxine Bédat is the co-founder of Zady, an e-commerce platform and lifestyle destination for conscious consumers that believe in products with solid construction, the best materials, the lowest environmental footprint, the highest labor standards and timeless style.

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Georg Kell
Georg Kell


Georg Kell is the Chairman of Arabesque and the founding Director of the United Nations Global Compact the world’s largest voluntary corporate sustainability initiative. This episode brings light to many questions and issues surrounding conscious capitalism, amongst businesses and consumers.

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Martin Whittaker
Martin Whittaker

JUST Capital

A veteran of the sustainable finance and the impact investing industry, JUST Capital CEO, Martin Whittaker leads the organization’s leading mission to define corporate justness for the environment, their employees, customers and communities.

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Ray Chambers
Ray Chambers

Malaria No More

Ray Chambers is a philanthropist and humanitarian who currently serves as the World Health Organization Ambassador for Global Strategy. Chambers' philanthropic efforts are diverse, with major focus areas in children global health, and mentorship. Ray’s initiative, Malaria No More successfully raised 10B for providing families with mosquito nets to stop the spread of malaria. His efforts have decreased malaria deaths by 70% and saved the lives of 6.2M children.

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Marc Morial
Marc Morial

National Urban League

As the former mayor of New Orleans, Marc Morial, leads the National Urban League towards economic empowerment and elevating the standard of living in historically underserved urban communities. His vision for America is the opportunity for everyone to have equal economic opportunity.

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