Happiness. We know it immediately when we see it in others. We spend our time, money, and even our lives searching for it. In this lecture, Dr. Deepak Chopra offers his latest research in the bestselling book The Ultimate Happiness Prescription, sharing the mysteries of emotional intelligence and exercises aimed at getting rid of negative thoughts. This lecture is dedicated to helping society live in balance, releasing toxins from your mind and body, and replacing fear with love.
More with Deepak: One World, Closer to Truth, Curious Minds, Just Capital, Love In Action, Satsangh, Yoga Primary Series, Consciousness, Meditation Workshop, Seven Spiritual Laws of Success 2.0
1:36:03 | 2012
Deepak Chopra, M.D., F.A.C.P, founder of The Chopra Foundation, a non-profit entity for research on well-being and humanitarianism, and Chopra Global, a modern-day health company at the intersection of science and spirituality, is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation. Chopra is a Clinical Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California, San Diego and serves as a senior scientist with Gallup Organization. He is the author of over 89 books translated into over forty-three languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. His 90th book and national bestseller, Metahuman: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential (Harmony Books), unlocks the secrets to moving beyond our present limitations to access a field of infinite possibilities. TIME magazine has described Dr. Chopra as “one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century.”
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