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Automation Anywhere

digital workforce platform

With the ever-changing landscape of the present day workplace, and whether you're an employee or business owner, automation is something to keep on your radar. Automated operations are without question the future of society and it is essential that organizations adapt now in order to be prepared. Led by leaders at Automation Anywhere, this series will familiarize you with necessary actions to bring you and your business up-to-speed with some of the leading advancements in RPA and intelligent automation, disseminate the unwavering bias' surrounding this technology and counsel you through the processes of training and implementation for every industry and individual.

About the show

Music: Moby

10 episodes

Location: Silicon Valley

Studio: Martine Dubin Company


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Automation Anywhere

Automation Anywhere is the world’s most widely deployed RPA system and most sophisticated Digital Workforce Platform, enabling companies to operate with unprecedented productivity and efficiency by automating any part of the enterprise using the most intelligent and intuitive robotic process automation platform, often referred to as, “The Intelligent Digital Workforce”. The vision of Automation Anywhere is to take the robot out of the human; to liberate employees from mundane, repetitive tasks, allowing them more time to use their intellect and creativity to solve higher order business challenges. The company sees a world where every employee will work side by side with digital workers, making them exponentially more productive and far more fulfilled.

Season 1

Rajesh Radhakrishnan
Rajesh Radhakrishnan

The RPA Landscape & Automation Anywhere Overview

Automation Anywhere brings comprehensive solutions to the competitive landscape of RPA by administering accessible RPA options for anyone in the workplace.

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Sundar Nagarathaman
Sundar Nagarathaman

The Workforce of Tomorrow, Today

Learn about how automation is transforming today’s workforce, including the growth of the citizen developer, how building an automation skillset will be as relevant as core workforce productivity is today, and why training and development is key for building future skillsets.

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Kashif Mahbub
Kashif Mahbub

Overview of Intelligent Automation

Leaders at Automation Anywhere give an interesting introduction to the profitable outcomes automation, RPA and artificial intelligence can bring to workers’ moral, allowing them to see real measurable impacts from their efforts.

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Kashif Mahbub & Rajesh Radhakrishnan
Kashif Mahbub & Rajesh Radhakrishnan

RPA and the Knowledge Worker

This episode explains in detail the growing implications by which RPA can be used, and the underestimated accessibility of automation training.

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Kashif Mahbub & Rajesh Radhakrishnan
Kashif Mahbub & Rajesh Radhakrishnan

RPA Use Cases

As the workplace landscape evolves to require more automated operations over time, professionals need to consider investing in their own skillsets by diversifying their toolsets to include intelligent automation.

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Rajesh Radhakrishnan
Rajesh Radhakrishnan

Industry Trends

Automation Anywhere’s goal is to take the robot out of the human in the workplace. By freeing up this time and focus, businesses will flourish with innovation.

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Rushabh Parmani
Rushabh Parmani

RPA Lifecycle: Planning

Organizations and businesses in different industries have varied needs and incentives for integrations like automation. Automation Anywhere works alongside customers with diverse capabilities to make automation a possibility.

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Tom Brown
Tom Brown

RPA and Workforce Trends

By choosing to hire only knowledge workers and implement automation, workers will value their roles and be inspired, while the business won’t have as much pressure when economic downturns happen.

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Tom Brown
Tom Brown

Preparing for a Career in RPA

It is commonly misunderstood that automated operations and new technologies will replace human minds, consuming a large majority of the jobs in the workforce. This episode clarifies some of these biases.

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Rushabh Parmani, Kashif Mahbub & Rajesh Radhakrishnan
Rushabh Parmani, Kashif Mahbub & Rajesh Radhakrishnan

Advice to Automation Anywhere University Students

Leaders at Automation Anywhere give students advice in how to succeed in a career in RPA and how to use Automation Anywhere university to upskill and become more competitive.

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