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What Do The Stars Predict For Your Zodiac Sign in 2023?

Astrologist, Irina Tolmacheva shares insights and recommendations for the year ahead.

I waited for Mercury to return into a normal course, and with a light heart I offer this astrological forecast for each sign of the Zodiac for 2023. Please be reminded that the forecast is very general, big picture perspective of the world so navigate your sign’s reading with this in mind. If you would like an individual forecast that is personalized to you, please get in contact with me here.


Aries' luck awaits in the material sphere. In the second half of the year, earning money, acquiring wealth, financial prosperity, wealth and well-being come not only through specific actions, but also through generosity. Feel free to share funds, and they will return to you in excess. Aries' difficulties are possible in the psychological sphere and can be expressed in depression, hypochondria, fear and guilt. Don't keep the sadness bottled up inside; explore this emotion and your uncurious mind. Dive into reflection, psychotherapy, meditation, and spirituality. To prevent the blues, stay in seclusion more often and do charity work.


Taurus' luck will follow in everything related to personal realization. This is the strengthening of authority, popularity, career growth, financial well-being, and additional education. Taurus’ are brilliant and radiate charisma. In the second half of the year, aim for social excellence. Success will become stronger if Taurus shows his sociability, openness and generosity. Difficulties of Taurus can lie in the sphere of relationships with friends and like-minded people. Difficulties can also manifest in the desire for loneliness and limiting their closest circle of friends. Act bolder and leave only faithful, reliable and devoted friends next to you. This can be painful, but it is absolutely necessary. Remember to be a responsible friend, too.


Gemini's luck will manifest itself through spiritual authority and positive psychological influence. Boldly strengthen these directions. Material success will be fruitful, bringing experiences and travels to distant countries. These experiences will provide philosophical or psychological education. Gemini's difficulties can happen in career and social advancement, but if you make an effort, take responsibility, work hard and diligently, follow the plan, then difficulties can be turned into positive outstanding results and public recognition.


Luck for Cancer comes through friendly contacts. In the second half of the year, successful, generous and influential friends will enter the inner circle, which can become the basis of social success. It is better to expand your circle of acquaintances in advance and actively interact with like- minded people. It is important to surround yourself with people who share your ideas and values. Difficulties Cancer can develop in the field of education and broadening one's horizons. There may be restrictions on travel, long-distance travel and education. Difficulties will dissolve if you have patience, work on a philosophical worldview and boldly get rid of stereotypes that hinder development.


Leo is waiting for good luck in professional implementation and career. In the second half of the year, brilliant prospects open up for raising one's social status and gaining well- deserved authority and respect. Boldly set high goals and strive for more. Focus your work on the common good, not selfish interest, and build a positive reputation. Leo's difficulties may arise in the financial sphere. You may have to go through restrictions. Keep the material sphere in order and be more careful with money: repay debts, calculate income and expenses, avoid inadequate financial obligations, invest carefully, pay taxes regularly.


Virgo's luck is formed in the field of education, teaching, learning about foreign cultures and experiences. Successful Virgos are those who show breadth of outlook and nobility. Be open to all new positive things, boldly go out into the public field with your ideas, and become a teacher. Difficulties can lie in wait for Virgo in the sphere of relationships; personal, partnership, marriage and business relationships are under threat. Light and warm bonds are built with difficulty. Now a solid foundation for relationships is work on them, mutual obligations and clear agreements. Become a reliable, stable and responsible partner yourself, then the year will be more productive for you.


Luck awaits Libra in the financial sector if they focus on large funds and attract investments. But in order to really come to success, Libra’s need to make every effort, take well- calculated risks and learn how to work with mental stress. In the second half of the year, all issues related to material resources for Libra will be resolved more easily than at other times. Difficulties of Libra can be expected in the professional sphere. To reduce complexity, stress, and limitations, you need to work hard, serve your chosen cause, and take responsibility. It is important to stock up on patience and humility, given that growth and implementation at work are still difficult.


The luck of Scorpio is evident in personal and partnership relationships. Try to surround yourself with noble, generous, respected and development-minded people, for they will seek to make contact with you. With their help, in the second half of the year you will build successful relationships both in personal life and in the business environment. Scorpio may encounter difficulties in the field of light romance, creativity and obligations to children, while creative processes can slow down, and children can create problems. You can rectify the situation if you take responsibility, build discipline in creative affairs and act diligently.


Good luck awaits Sagittarius in the field of labor relations and professional implementation. In the second half of the year, it is important to maintain high values, set ambitious goals for yourself and act widely in the workspace. Success will be achieved by those who will use the profession for the benefit of society. Difficulties in Sagittarius can happen in the home and family. Consider all issues related to real estate with great attention and caution, forgive your parents, take responsibility for the psychological climate in the family. All of this will reduce losses, melt the cold of loved ones and dissolve resentment.


Capricorn's luck will manifest itself in romance, creativity and relationships with children. Someone will write a book, and someone will have a child, and someone will become successful in art and raising kids. In the second half of the year, it is important to devote more time to children and invest more energy in their upbringing, and adhere to maximalism in creative processes. It's best to do it with passion. Difficulties of Capricorn can arise in contacts and communications. The circle of communication may be reduced due to the fact that connections that have become obsolete naturally fall off. It may be sad, but necessary for development. Also, be more attentive to documents, contracts and agreements to avoid a catch.


Aquarius’ luck is formed in the family sphere. In the second half of the year, invest time and energy in family relationships, home improvement, meetings with parents. Settle down at home so that it is light, warm, and comfortable. Receive good guests more often in your large family nest. To strengthen success, try to maintain a comfortable psychological atmosphere in the family that is built on trust and respect. Aquarius’ difficulties can happen in the material realm. In order to not go broke, you need to be more careful about your income and expenses. Avoid stinginess and savings, but carefully calculate everything and prepare for temporary financial restrictions.


Pisces luck awaits in communications, education and travel. Feel free to learn, write, share information, move around the world, and make new friends. Success becomes stronger if the circle of contacts is not only wide, but also authoritative. Attract into your life people who can teach you something and help expand your horizons. Pisces can experience difficulties in the field of personal growth. It is necessary to take a serious approach to life and take responsibility. It is important to set ambitious goals and consistently, with concentration move towards them. Difficulties are reduced if you act with discipline and start from reality, not illusions.

Irina’s Story:

Astrology came into my life when I was a teenager. One day Mom bought a book with a description of the Zodiac. I read this book to the holes. It was very interesting and I wanted even more. I dreamed about astrology, and I didn't even think about how difficult it is to realize my dream. In the 90s, astrology came out of the shadows in Russia (it was previously banned), the first educational astrological centers began to appear in Moscow and St. Petersburg. But I lived in a small provincial town in the middle of nowhere. The Internet was not used then either. I was very surprised when a month after I dreamed, an astrology teacher appeared next to me, who was studying astrology in Moscow at the same time. It was a miracle! So a good astrological education appeared in my life, which in the future allowed me to make astrology an additional profession. But I studied astrology for a long time. I came to study at the Moscow Academy of Astrology in 2006. And I made sure that I know astrology well. So my experience in astrology has been more than twenty years. My clients are scattered all over the world. In addition to consultations, I do research projects. I report on the results of my research at astrological conferences. Now I combine astrology and psychology in consultations. I think astropsychology has a great future.

About Irina Tolmacheva:

Irina Tolmacheva is an Astrologer, Psychologist, Political Scientist from Moscow, Russia. She has a master's degree in psychology and a postgraduate degree in political science and has worked as a political journalist and researcher at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, organizing and presenting discussions on lobbying at the Moscow Economic Forum. Over the past few years, her research interest in politics has focused on the specifics of the work of the Russian parliament – the analysis of the effectiveness and specifics of the work of deputies and senators.

She has worked In the realm of astrology since 1993 where she studied at the Moscow Academy of Astrology and worked in astrological consulting for twenty years. She has facilitated the following most notable research proejcts, Features of aspects of Pluto in public policies, analysis of astrological characteristics of deputies of the State Duma of the IV convocation of the Russian Federatio (2006), Astrology in Yoga (2016), Cosmonautics Day on April 12, 1979 – date and fate (2017), Astrological prerequisites of vegetarianism (2018), Psychodiagnostics in the service of astrology: an example of using one projective technique (2022).

Irina Tolmacheva is the author of the books: Lobbying in Russian. Between business and government, Lobbying in Russia, Discussions of the Moscow Economic Forum 2013-2017, Astrology in Yoga, Astrological prerequisites of vegetarianism, as well as many scientific and journalistic articles, columns and interviews for the magazines Vegetarian and Yoga Journal. She is also the presenter and director of the program ‘A Frame From Life’ on the TV channel, The First Vegetarian.

Visit her website http://starsdictate.tilda.ws/

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