David Verdesi has dedicated his life to the actualization of the individuation through applied mind training, comparing wisdom traditions and methods of askesis and its archetype through the hero’s journey, the phenomenology of human potential and altered states of consciousness. David Verdesi invites you to embark on a journey of love, individualization, and curiosity with his series, True Love, Book of Knowledge and Psychedelia.
As a wandering anthropologist, he travelled all over the world for 30 years, researching and comparing his own experiences with those of 120 mystics, yogis, cave-dwellers, saints and genuine enlightened beings, Siddhas from the mountains and jungles of India and Xian immortals from China and Southeast Asia, the Shamans of Central and South America and Africa, the Mystics of old Europe and the mysterious saints of the northern Steppes of Russia, Tibet and Mongolia.
He has culminated years of personal askesis and practice into the realization of an algorithm that can be applied to navigate, explore and integrate the human psyche into wholeness, the development of human potential and the maximization of happiness.
These experiences formed an instrumental part of an ongoing work of enrichment and comparison, contributing valuably to the successive phases of the development of his teachings.
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The many adventures across the globe on a quest to define meaning, leads David Verdesi’s journey back to Rome. Urged to uncover the reason behind the instinctive human desire for spiritual yearning, Verdesi starts retracing the intersection of science and theology within the city his family has called home since the early 1400s.
Watch PromoSpiritual anthropologist, David Verdesi takes us along a cross-cultural journey which lasted over 30 years of his life in search for one thing: life’s purpose. His journey led him to exotic, unforeseen locations in every corner of the globe, learning spiritual and bodily practices by enlightened beings for experiences which allowed him to discover, retrieve and relearn the lost parts of his being, soul and mind.
Watch MoviePsychedelics: a class of drugs which are known to open the mind bringing an enlightened state of awareness filled with otherworldly visions and hallucinations. Shamanistic, indigenous cultures and world religions have emphatically used hallucinates since the beginning of time for a variety of purposes. So, why are psychedelics considered taboo in modern-day society?
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The meaning of life is to be happy, and the pursuit of meaning is happiness. We as individuals do not create such meaning, rather it is discovered as we fearlessly process and realize our identities through experience. Life’s true luxury is not material; the power of creating your own happiness is the real luxury we should all strive for.
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The greatest adventure in life is learning how to love – how to love yourself and in turn, how to love others. Love is a journey home, a journey to meet yourself and discover that you are more than you believe. David Verdesi takes you on a journey to discovering yourself and all you are destined to be.
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