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Just Capital

Gravity Payments

Dan Price

Dan Price dreams of a world where money is no longer the top of the pyramid of success, but rather authentic humanity. Price views it as his responsibility to be honest and transparent, to be authentic in the way he interacts with the world.

Price recognized at a young age that small businesses were being taken advantage of by credit card processing companies and the banking system at large. He founded Gravity Payments before he even hit twenty, a company dedicated to negotiating lower rates for the small businesses who couldn’t go up against the big guns on their own.

21:58 | 2015

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About Dan Price

Raised in rural Idaho, far from the closest neighbor, Dan Price started Gravity Payments from his university dorm room when he was just 19 years old. Although music was his passion growing up, Dan discovered his lifelong mission when he found many small business owners in his community were being taken advantage of by their credit card processors. He knew that wasn’t right, so he rolled up his sleeves and began disrupting the typical way business is done.

As he told Entrepreneur Magazine, “I never intended to make a lot of money, or really any. I was really upset at this industry for the way they were treating my clients, and I just wanted to blow the whole thing up.”

Dan shaped Gravity on a different set of values not normally seen in the workplace —honesty, transparency, and responsibility. These simple values have made Dan and the Gravity team a trusted name in credit card processing. Today, independent businesses across all 50 states trust Gravity to save them millions in fees and hours in frustration by making it easy and simple for them to accept payments.

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