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Love In Action

Cancer Schmancer

Fran Drescher

World renowned for her sense of humor, her thick NY accent, and a spectacularly infectious laugh, it is none other than Fran Drescher. Throughout the episode, Fran adds to her list of well-known qualities as she discusses her work as an activist for cancer awareness, education, prevention, and survival.

Fran Drescher sets an empowering tone as she discusses her life with honesty and openness. She shares her past experiences as a cancer survivor, a rape survivor, and a divorcee with Love In Action host, Deepak Chopra. It is clear throughout the discussion that despite such deep suffering, Fran is still open and receiving life’s many blessings. She has found a way to use her personal trauma to help others better understand the importance of life. With a beaming smile, she shares how turning pain into purpose is one of life’s greatest lessons.

57:51 | 2014

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Fran Drescher is an American actress, comedian, writer, and activist. She is best known for her role as Fran Fine in the hit TV series The Nanny (1993–99), and for her nasal voice and thick New York accent. A uterine cancer survivor, Drescher is an outspoken healthcare advocate and LGBT rights activist, and is noted for her work as a Public Diplomacy Envoy for Women's Health Issues for the U.S. State Department.

Her lighthearted book, Cancer Schmancer is a NY Times Best Seller, and was written to spread awareness about the importance of early detection. Cancer Schmancer inspired her to develop and organization under the same name, focusing on inspiring Americans to understand the importance of cancer treatments and easily adaptable lifestyle shifts.

Visit her website https://www.cancerschmancer.org

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