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The Bigshot Camera

Shree Nayar

Shree Nayar holds dozens of patents pertaining to photography and imaging. His invention, Bigshot was developed as a side project with the goal of giving the camera even more social appeal. The unique camera teaches users about the art of imaging through at-home user construction of the product. Users can also utilize a variety of different lenses to self-discover the ways in which light and space interact. His research is exciting for its possible uses in machine intelligence. With products like the Bigshot camera; he has made his work accessible to everyone.

25:59 | 2014

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About Shree Nayar

Shree K. Nayar is the T. C. Chang Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University. He heads the Columbia Vision Laboratory, which develops advanced computer vision systems. His research is focused on three areas - the creation of novel cameras that provide new forms of visual information, the design of physics-based models for vision and graphics, and the development of algorithms for understanding scenes from images. His work is motivated by applications in the fields of digital imaging, computer graphics, robotics and human-computer interfaces.

Nayar received his PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. For his research and teaching he has received several honors including the David Marr Prize (1990 and 1995), the David and Lucile Packard Fellowship (1992), the National Young Investigator Award (1993), the NTT Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award (1994), the Keck Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching (1995), the Columbia Great Teacher Award (2006), and the Carnegie Mellon Alumni Achievement Award (2009). For his contributions to computer vision and computational imaging, he was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2008, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2011, and the National Academy of Inventors in 2014.

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