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Fabien Cousteau

Plant A Fish

As the first grandson of Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Fabien spent his early years aboard his famous grandfather’s ships, Calypso and Alcyone; and learning how to scuba dive on his fourth birthday. He is well known for his study of sharks and from 2000-2002, Fabien was an Explorer-at-Large for National Geographic and collaborated on a TV special aimed at changing public conceptions about sharks called, “Attack of the Mystery Shark,”. For the next four years (2006-2010), Fabien was part of a multi-hour series for PBS called, “Ocean Adventures” with his father, Jean-Michel Cousteau, and sister, Céline. He is a member of multiple cause-driven and charitable boards Fabien has been working with local communities and children worldwide to help restore local water ecosystems.

Plant A Fish is his campaign to help restore and protect healthy waters around the world. Continuing a legacy of exploration and marine life protection pioneered by Fabien's grandfather Jacques Cousteau, Plant A Fish intends to educate and engage people in greater ocean awareness and ultimately ocean stewardship, beginning with the simple act of first 'planting a fish'.

Plant A Fish will empower communities to get involved with responsible 're-planting' of key marine species in their local habitats in distressed bodies of water around the world. Initial targeted projects in 2010-2011 will include responsible re-planting of oysters in New York Harbor, coral and mangroves in South Florida, Sea Turtles in El Salvador and Coral in the Maldives.

Visit his website https://www.fabiencousteauolc.org/

22:36 | 2014

Tags: Fabien Cousteau Ocean Learning Center,

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