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Pankaj Ghemawat

DHL Global Connectedness Index

Pankaj Ghemawat is the Global Professor of Management and Strategy and Director of the Center for the Globalization of Education and Management at the Stern School of Business at New York University, and the Anselmo Rubiralta Professor of Global Strategy at IESE Business School. Between 1983 and 2008 he was on the faculty at the Harvard Business School where, in 1991, he became the youngest person in the school’s history to be appointed a full professor. Ghemawat was also the youngest “guru” included in the guide to the greatest management thinkers of all time published in 2008 by The Economist.

Ghemawat’s books include Commitment, Games Businesses Play, Strategy and the Business Landscape, Redefining Global Strategy, World 3.0, and The Laws of Globalization. IBM Chairman and CEO Sam Palmisano described Redefining Global Strategy as “an important strategic guidebook for leaders of the 21st century globally integrated enterprise… [with an] analytic framework that is both visionary and pragmatic – aware of the broader historic trajectories of globalization but grounded in the real kinds of decisions business leaders have to make.”

Visit his website https://ghemawat.com/

22:32 | 2012

Tags: Center for the Globalization of Education and Management,

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